I'm not sure the photo I ended up using will be a "forever" cover. I needed something fast, this fit the bill and there you are.
I think the first time I saw the home of a hoarder was on the British show How Clean Is Your House. At that time, I really knew nothing about hoarding. I just thought the people showcased were just messy people, but I was wrong. Since then, I've watched the TV show Hoarders, read about it on the Internet, and decided to write a story about it, as it really does fascinate me.
The saddest thing about hoarding is the reaction of the hoarder when a family members tries to intervene, and how that trash has become such important treasure to the hoarder, that they value it above the relationships they have. It's a sickness, not just a messy person.
I hope you'll give my story a try. (Click here for purchasing info.)